
For example, if the temperature set point is 20°C when cool mode is entered at a room
temperature of 21°C, the controller will start the cool mode cycle to cool the room.
The cycle still continues when the room temperature later lowers to 20°C. It finally stops
when the room temperature lowers further to 19°C.
If the room temperature subsequently rises to 20°C again, the cool mode cycle will still not
start. The cool mode cycle will only start when the room temperature rises further to 21°C.
In heat mode (applicable on Heat Pump Unit only), the heat mode cycle starts and stops
according to the following rules:
Room temperature
< Set pt-1°C = Set pt-1°C = Set pt. = Set pt+1°C > Set pt+1°C
Heat Mode Cycle
Start Start * Stop Stop
* Maintain current state
For example, if the temperature set point is 20°C when heat mode is entered at a room
temperature of 19°C, the heat mode cycle will start to raise the room temperature.
The cycle still continues when the room temperature later rises to 20°C, and eventually stops
when the room temperature raises further to 21°C.
If the room temperature subsequently falls to 20°C again, the cycle will still not start. The
heat mode cycle will only start when the room temperature descents further to 19°C.
5. Indoor Coil Protection Against Icing in Cool Mode
After switching on the compressor for 10 minutes in cool mode, the electronic air-con
controller will detect the indoor coil temperature. If indoor coil temperature <6°C, the indoor
fan will operate in accordance with the following table:
ID Coil Temp. Tr
Tr 4 °C 4°C<Tr<°6C Tr6°C
ID Fan High * Set
*Maintain current State
Indoor coil de-icing will be executed if indoor coil temperature is found to be less than 2ºC
for 2 minutes. De-icing operation will stop if the indoor coil temperature reaches 10ºC or
higher for 2 minutes. If not, it will be end de-icing operation after 10 minutes. While the
indoor coil is being de-iced, the green LED on the LED board will blink at approximately 95
times per minute.
To de-ice the indoor coil, the air-con controller discontinue cooling it by turning off the
compressor and outdoor fan. At the mean time, the indoor fan is left running at its set speed
to speed up the ice-melting process via convection.
Normal cool mode operation will be maintained at its current state for the initial 3 minutes of
de-icing operation. After this, the compressor and outdoor fan will be switched off.