
6. Defrosting in HEAT mode (applicable on Heat Pump Unit only)
a) Defrost starting conditions
When all conditions of i) ~ iii) are satisfied, defrosting operation starts.
i) The indoor coil thermistor read 42°C
ii) The outdoor coil thermistor reads -4°C or below.
iii) The difference between the Indoor-coil Thermistor and Indoor air thermistor 22°C.
Further information on defrost interval is described in (3).
b) Defrost termination conditions
When the condition of i) or iv) is satisfied, the defrosting operation stops.
iv) The defrost thermistor reads above 5°C.
v) The defrost time exceeds 8 minutes.
c) Defrost interval
The defrost interval time is determined as follows.
There should be a 30 minutes intervals between defrost cycle. During this intervals, No
detection of defrost is required. Detection of defrost will resume after the 30 minutes
intervals , upon condition meet, enter defrost cycle, otherwise continue detection for