Electronics (RS 2 E)
The RS 2 E has an electronic control with which
the rotational speed can be varied step-free. This
allows the sanding speed to be adapted to the op-
timum level according to the material concerned.
The speed is set using the rotary control button
(2.1). The numbers on the rotary control button
represent approximately the following stroke/
orbit speeds:
Dust extraction
Dust extractors prevent large accumulations of
dust in the air in the working environment and
dirt collecting in the workplace.
Inboard extraction
The machines are fi tted with inbuilt extraction as
standard. Push the fi lter holder (3.3) with its open-
ing as far as it will go onto the extraction nozzle
(3.4) of the machine and clamp tight by turning
rotary knob (3.1).
The sanding dust is extracted through suction
openings in the sanding base and trapped in
the turbo-fi lter (3.2). The turbo-fi lter has to be
changed when it is so full of dust that the extrac-
tion power diminishes.
External extraction by an extrac-
tion unit
In order to avoid frequent changing of the turbo-
fi lter when carrying longer sanding jobs, it is
possible to connect a Festool extractor to the unit
instead of using inbuilt extraction. Connect the
hose (Ø 27 mm (4.1) from a Festool dust extractor
to the extraction outlet on the tool (4.2).
3.1 3.2