Sanding pad
The standard STF 115 x 225 mm Stickfi x sanding
pad can be exchanged for the 115 x 225 mm sand-
ing pad for use with clamping paper. Loosen the
six fastening screws (5.1).
Both sanding pads (with and without Stickfi x cov-
ering) are also available with an edge protector
(KS) to protect the edge of the pad from premature
Always use original Festool sanding
Stickfi x abrasives
Self-adhesive abrasives such as Stickfi x sanding
disks and sheepskin polishers can be attached to
the Stickfi x sanding pads. Simply press the abra-
sives onto the sanding pads and remove after use.
Please note: Only use sanding pads with an
undamaged Stickfi x coating. Before use, check
whether the adhesive layer has been damaged
due to improper use (e.g. melting)
Clamped sandpaper
In addition to the Stickfi x abrasives, Festool also
offers perforated abrasives for clamp-fitting.
Unperforated sandpaper can be perforated with
the Festool “Lochfi x” punching device.
Start clamping the abrasive on the back of the
tool by raising the clamping lever (6.1) and thus
opening the clamping device. Insert abrasive up
to limit stop and lower clamping lever into initial
position. Place the abrasive on the sanding pad,
pull taught and clamp on the front.