March 2004 Manual 599082
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Press Start/Pause to enter Continuous Cycle.
Once selected the LCD backlight flashes on and off to indicate the DishDrawer is in continuous cycle and the cycle
starts straight away (for integrated models the LED above the start/pause button will be orange instead of green to
indicate the DishDrawer is running in continuous cycle). It will run the last cycle that had been selected prior to going
into diagnostics mode.
If you wish to run a different cycle you need to exit diagnostics turn the DishDrawer on as normal and select the
cycle you want. Then turn the DishDrawer off again reenter diagnostics and restart the Continuous Cycle as above.
Press Power to Exit at any time.
Cycle Count Retrieval
(not available on integrated models)
To display the cycle count on the LCD screen, pause the DishDrawer while running a Continuous Cycle. The two
bytes of the cycle count will be displayed alternately, in syncronisation with the changing backlight.
The Low byte is displayed when the backlight is Off.
The High byte is displayed when the backlight is On.
To calculate the Total DishDrawer cycle count use the formula below.....
Cycle_Count = (200 x High_byte) + Low_byte.
Eg. Low_byte = 156
High_byte = 2
Cycle_count = (200 x 2) + 156 = 556.
5.1.7 Temperature & Voltage Display Mode
(not available on integrated models)
During a wash cycle, the current water temperature or the power supply rail voltage of the controller can be
displayed on the LCD instead of the time remaining. To enter temperature/voltage display mode, start a wash cycle
as normal. Initiate a keylock by pushing and holding the Keylock button for 4 seconds.
Once in keylock mode push and hold Start/Pause for 8 seconds to enter temperature display mode. The display
now alternates between a °C symbol and the water temperature. Pressing the Start/Pause again changes the
display to alternate between an °E symbol and the power supply rail voltage of the controller.
To cancel temperature/voltage display mode, press the Power button.
5.1.8 Show Off / Showroom Wash Mode
This mode initiates a shop show off display and wash operation demonstration.
With the DishDrawer powered up and turned on the show off mode is entered by holding the Eco and Power
buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. Ensure that Eco is pushed first.
The DishDrawer is now in the Show Off mode and cycles through all of the LED & LCD segments while pulsing the
LCD backlight on and off.
Pressing the Power button now puts the DishDrawer into the Showroom Wash mode. Before running this mode the
tub should be filled with water until it is just touching the underside of the spray arm. The Showroom Wash is started
by pushing the Start/Pause button whereby the following cycle is run:-
The lid is pulled down
The wash motor starts and runs for 4 minutes
The wash motor stops.