March 2004 Manual 599082
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CAUTION:- Due to the use of an electronic switchmode power supply all internal
components regardless of supply voltage should be treated as live to earth when power is
supplied to the DishDrawer.
9.1 Drawer Front Removal
9.1.1 Slide open drawer.
9.1.2 Locate draw pin on either side of the tub.
9.1.3 Using a sharp pair of long nose pliers or slip jaw pliers grasp the
center dividing web of the pin and pull away from the tub to remove
the pin. Support the drawer front with your hand while doing this.
Note: The pin web is vertical.
9.1.4 With both pins removed the bottom of the drawer front can now be
eased out slightly.
9.1.5 Now carefully pull the drawer front down to allow it to come free
from the handle and top locating slots.
9.1.6 Carefully remove the earth wire from the tab on the drawer front. (if
it is an integrated model you will also need to unplug the integrated
badge from the isolating module)
9.1.7 Refit in reverse manner ensuring the drawer slides are right forward
and the pin secures through the hook on the front end of the slide.
Note: When reinserting the pins make sure the dividing web is
9.2 Tub Removal
9.2.1 Open the drawer fully.
9.2.2 Depress the right-hand tub clip and push it back about 30mm (1
inch). Repeat for the left-hand side.
9.2.3 The tub may now be lifted up off the drawer runners.
9.2.4 Slide both runners back into the product.
9.2.5 Refit in reverse manner.