Beta [CVD only] - Set the beta probe coefficient
b0 [Therm only] - Set the b0 probe coefficient
b1 [Therm only] - Set the b1 probe coefficient
b2 [Therm only] - Set the b2 probe coefficient
b3 [Therm only] - Set the b3 probe coefficient
Probe Wires - Set the number of wires of the probe
PCal - Set the probe calibration date
PDue - Set the probe calibration due date
Filter - Set the digital filter time constant
MCal - Set the instrument calibration date
MDue - Set the instrument recalibration due date
CAL1 - Set the 0 to 400Ω instrument calibration parameter
CAL2 - Set the 400Ω to 500 kΩ instrument calibration parameter
The calibration functions are described in detail in the following subsections.
7.8.1 Mtr Due
This function displays the date the 1521 is due for calibration. The date cannot
be changed with this function.
7.8.2 Prb Due
This function displays the date the probe is due for calibration. The date is
stored in the INFO-CON probe connector. The date cannot be changed with
this function.
7.8.3 Time
This function displays and sets the time of day. The time is always set, dis
played, or printed in 24-hour format. To set each time segment use the Up and
Down buttons. Use the ENT button to move between time segments and to
save the changed values. The CLR button moves to the next function.
7.8.4 Passcode
All functions below this function are protected by a pass-code so that only au
thorized users can access them. The passcode must be entered correctly to con
tinue. If the passcode is entered incorrectly or the MODE or CLR buttons are
pressed, the message “Invalid Passcode” is displayed and the instrument is re
turned to the next display mode after the display mode that was active before
the CAL Mode was entered.
Each individual instrument has its own unique passcode. The passcode number
is given on a notice provided with this instrument. The equipment manager is
responsible for keeping the passcode number stored in a proper location and
1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide