
Dual Input Oscilloscope
Record Length
Scope Record Mode........... 27500 points on each input
Scope Normal Mode............. 1000 points on each input
Scope Glitch Capture Mode... 500 points on each input
Glitch Detection
5 µs to 120 s/div........displays glitches as fast as 50 ns
Waveform Display................ A, B, A+B, A-B, A*B, A vs B
Normal, Average (2,4,8,64 x), Persistence
Time Base Accuracy.........................................±100 ppm
Trigger and Delay
Trigger Modes.......................................Automatic, Edge,
External, Video, Pulse Width
Trigger Delay.................................. up to +1000 divisions
Pre Trigger View ............................ one full screen length
Max. Delay .....................................................10 seconds
Automatic Connect-and-View Trigger
Source...............................................................A, B, EXT
Slope....................................................Positive, Negative
Edge Trigger
Screen Update...........Free Run, On Trigger, Single Shot
Source...............................................................A, B, EXT
Slope....................................................Positive, Negative
Trigger Level Control Range ......................... ±4 divisions
Trigger Sensitivity A and B
DC to 5 MHz at >5 mV/div......................... 0.5 divisions
DC to 5 MHz at 5 mV/div ................................1 division
200 MHz (FLUKE 199C).................................1 division
250 MHz (FLUKE 199C)............................... 2 divisions
100 MHz (FLUKE 196C).................................1 division
150 MHz (FLUKE 196C)............................... 2 divisions
Isolated External Trigger
Bandwidth..............................................................10 kHz
Modes.....................................................Automatic, Edge
Trigger Levels (DC to 10 kHz)................... 120 mV, 1.2 V
Video Trigger
Standards............................. PAL, PAL+, NTSC, SECAM
Modes......................Lines, Line Select, Field 1 or Field 2
Polarity ................................................ Positive, Negative
Sensitivity...................................... 0.7 division sync level