Display Line Group Selection
Click on the Group’s DOWN arrow key and select another group from the drop down list by clicking on it.
Each group on the drop down list will bring up a different Display Line List. Refer to Table 3-4.
Selecting an Item and Placing It
Use the mouse to move an item from the Display Line List to a Display. With the mouse, place the mouse
cursor on the item. Press and hold the left key down. The item is now “grabbed” as indicated by the
rectangle shown around the display line. Drag the item using the mouse. When you have moved it to
display line you want, drop it by releasing the mouse button.
Changing a Line on a Display
To change a line on a Display, use the select and move operations described above to place an item on a
When an item replaces a line on a Display, the Customization software immediately sends the information
to the Model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter. In this manner, the Customization software always reflects the
current appearance of the Displays. Any line on any display may be changed as often as required.
Using the APPEND, DELETE, and INSERT Buttons
Within the Measurement Displays Form you may remove any Display in the instrument. Also, you may
add or insert a Display in the instrument. During these operations, different Displays will appear. A
maximum of four (4) displays can be viewed at any time. To see other Displays, use the vertical scroll bar
in the Display Frame to scroll up and down the Display list.
If you want to add a Display to the end of the Displays, click on APPEND button. The Displays area of
the dialog box shows the new Display. You may customize the lines as described above. Append adds
one Display only.
Upon selecting Append, the Customization
software tells the Model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter
to append a display with, initially, two Blank Lines
and a Charge measurement.
If you want to remove a Display, click on the DELETE button. The Customization software prompts you
for the Display’s number. Enter a valid Display number and press OK (if you make an invalid entry, the
program beeps). The Display is removed. To abort the Delete operation, press CANCEL.
Upon completing the deletion, the Customization
software tells the Model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter
to delete the Display you specified.
If you want to insert a Display, click on the INSERT button. The Customization software prompts you for
the Display’s number ahead of which to insert a new Display. Enter a valid Display number and press OK
(if you make an invalid entry, the program beeps). The Display is inserted. You may customize the lines
as described above. To abort the Insert operation, press CANCEL.