Operators Manual
Interval: 60 s
Count: UP
Decimal Places: 0
B.4.2 Using the Test Function Button
Figure B.1 shows the automatic leakage compensation settings, which consist of the ALC status, start
and stop threshold currents, and the instantaneous current measurement. Refer to Section B.4.3 for
Figure B-1. The Test Function screen showing the automatic leakage compensation settings
Figure B-2 displays the settings for the timer interval, count mode, and decimal places. Refer to Section
B.4.4 for details.
Figure B-2. The Test Function screen showing the timer settings
Figure B-3 shows the display format setting for the effective exposure time, which determines the
presentation of the effective time on the Measurement screen.
Figure B-3. The Test Function screen showing the effective exposure time display setting
To change the effective time format setting, press the TEST FUNCTION button to show the " " cursor
and use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to select either seconds (SECONDS) or
hours/minutes/seconds (HR/MIN/SEC). Press the TEST FUNCTION button again to hide the cursor and
save the selection.
B.4.3 Automatic Leakage Compensation
Automatic compensation for leakage currents can be enabled and disabled from the front panel.
Automatic leakage compensation allows the instrument to “detect” when an exposure is in progress and
hold the final exposure measurement values between exposures.
The start threshold specifies the current necessary for the instrument to begin updating the exposure
measurements. The stop threshold must be smaller than the start threshold, and it indicates the minimum
current required for the exposure measurements to be updated once an exposure is detected. That is,
Start Thres: 1.0 pA
Stop Thres: 0.9 pA
Current: 0.0 pA
Exp Time: HR/MIN/SEC