The key operates all locks on your vehicle. In case of loss, replacement
keys are available from your dealer.
You should always carry a second key with you in a safe place in case
you require it in an emergency.
Refer to SecuriLock Passive Anti-Theft System for more information.
If the door does not unlock when
the U is pressed, see Interior
power door disable feature in the
Remote entry section in this
Press U to unlock all doors and L to
lock all doors.
Childproof door locks (if equipped)
When these locks are set, the rear
doors cannot be opened from the
inside. The rear doors can be
opened from the outside when the
doors are unlocked.
The childproof locks are located on
rear edge of each rear door and
must be set separately for each
door. Setting the lock for one door
will not automatically set the lock
for both doors.
Move lock control up to engage the
childproof lock. Move control down
to disengage childproof locks.
Locks and Security