
Vehicle identification number (VIN)
The vehicle identification number is
attached to a metal tag and is
located on the driver side
instrument panel. (Please note that
in the graphic XXXX is
representative of your vehicle
identification number.)
1. World manufacturer identifier
2. Brake type and gross vehicle
weight rating (GVWR)
3. Vehicle line, series, body type
4. Engine type
5. Check digit
6. Model year
7. Assembly plant
8. Production sequence number
Engine number
The engine number (the last eight numbers of the vehicle identification
number) is stamped on the engine block and transmission.
Harley-Davidson serialization plate
The Harley-Davidson Edition contains a serialization plate that is unique
and custom made for each Harley-Davidson vehicle. The serialization
plate contains the model year, vehicle identification number and build
sequence number. This information is added to the plate at the time of
vehicle build. Since plate is custom made, it is not a serviceable part.
Maintenance and Specifications