
c11 Delayed compressor delay
Not used by Foster
Default: c11 = 4
d0 Type of Defrost
Sets the type of defrost required.
Default: d0 = 0. Foster setting d0 = 1. Hot gas defrost terminated by evaporator probe or in the event of
probe failure by time (see dP1).
dI Interval between defrosts.
The defrosts are performed periodically at an interval equal to the value of ‘dI’ in hours.
The interval is cyclical and is maintained if the controller is turned OFF, when the controller is turned back
ON a defrost will occur if the interval was exceeded.
Default: dI = 8. Foster setting dI = 6.
dt1 End defrost temperature, evaporator probe.
The evaporator probe termination temperature, in the event of a probe failure the defrost will be terminated
by time (see dP1).
Default dt1 = 4.0. Foster setting dt1 = 20.0.
dt2 End defrost temperature, auxiliary evaporator.
Not used by Foster.
Default: dt2 = 4.0.
dP1 Maximum defrost duration, Evaporator.
Maximum time, in minutes, for defrost in the event of evaporator probe failure.
Default: dP1 = 30. Foster setting dP1 = 20.
dP2 Maximum defrost duration, auxiliary evaporator.
Not used by Foster
Default: dP2 = 30.
d3 Defrost start delay
Not used by Foster.
Default: d3 = 0.
d4 Enable defrost at start up.
Activates a defrost when the defrost is switched on.
0 = no defrost performed when the instrument is switched on
Default: d4 = 0.
d5 Defrost delay at start up.
Not used by Foster.
Default: d5 = 0.
d6 Display during defrost.
1 = The last temperature read prior to the start of the defrost remains on the display. The display returns to
displaying the temperature when the set point is achieved.
Default: d6 = 1.
dd Dripping time after defrost.
The time, in minutes, that the evaporator fans are delayed after defrost to allow for the evaporator to drip.
Default: d6 = 2. Foster setting d6 = 1.
d8 Bypass alarms after defrost.
The time, in hours, that the high temperature alarms is disabled for after the end of the defrost cycle
Default: d8 = 1.
d9 Defrost priority over compressor protection.
Not used by Foster
Default: d9 = 0