
Default: A6 = 0.
A7 External alarm detection delay.
Not used by foster
Default: A7 = 0.
A8 Enables alarm ‘Ed1’ and ‘Ed2’.
Not used by Foster.
Default: A8 = 0 = alarms ‘Ed1’ and ‘Ed2’ disabled.
Ado Door switch light management mode.
Not used by Foster.
Default: Ado = 0.
Ac High condenser temperature alarm.
Not used by Foster.
Default: Ac = 70.0.
AE High condenser alarm temperature differential.
Not used by Foster.
Default: AE = 5.0.
Acd High Condenser temperature alarm delay.
Not used by Foster.
Default: Acd = 0.
AF Off time with light sensor.
Not used by Foster.
Default: AF = 0.
F0 Fan management.
F0 = Fan runs all of the time, for fans during defrost see ‘F3’.
Default: F0 = 0.
F1 Fan start temperature.
Used in conjunction with ‘F0’ when ‘F0’ = 1.
Default: F0 = 5.0. Fans remain ON while the evaporator is 5 degrees colder than the room temperature.
F2 Fans off with compressor off.
Used in conjunction with ‘F0’.
Default: F2 = 1. Foster setting F2 = 0 fans are always ON (F0 =0).
F3 Fans in defrost.
Used to determine if the fans operate or not during defrost.
Default: F3 = 1. Fans do not operate during defrost.
Fd Fans off after dripping.
Fans can be stopped for a further period, in minutes, after defrost beyond what has been set in ‘dd’.
Default: Fd = 1 = 1 additional minute dripping time.
H0 Serial address.
Used to assign an address to the instrument so that it responds to when connected to a supervisory or
telemaintenance system.
Default: H0 = 1. Foster setting H0 = 30.
H1 Function of relay 4.
Auxiliary output used to power the doorframe lighting and frame heater.
Default: H1 = 1. Foster setting H1 = 2.
H2 Disable keypad / infra red.
Can be used to inhibit some functions relating to the use of the keypad.
Default: H2 = 1 = all enabled.
H3 Remote control enabling code.
Assigns an access code to the remote control if fitted.
Not used by Foster.