5.4 Picture Card Game
In Picture Card Game, you match words with pictures.
1. In Picture Card Game, press / to select a user name and then
• See5.1 Creating User Names.
• For a new user to the exercise, see Changing the Settings at the end of
this section.
2. Press / or / (when applicable) to select a word or a
picture that matches with the question.
• Toshowthedenitionofthequestionorahighlightedword,press
DEF. Press
to return to the exercise.
• Toshowhint(byeliminatingaselection),pressHINT.
• Toskipthecurrentquestion,pressSKIP.
3. Press
or CONFIRM to submit the answer.
• Intestmode,answermustbesubmittedwithinthetimelimit.
4. When all the questions in an exercise are done, press SCORE to
show the score sheet and select one of the following options:
• PressCONT to start a new exercise.
• PressRETRY to play again the questions with wrong answers.
• PressREVIEW to show all words in the exercise. In the review, press
/ to select a question. Press DEF to show the denition of the
word. Press SCORE to return to the score sheet.
• PressEXIT to quit the exercise.