7.2 Video Player
This device can play avi and mp4 les stored in the device or on a
microSD card (if inserted). It is recommended to save those les in
the video sub-folder in the entertainments folder of the device. Note:
Recommended image resolution: 320 x 240.
Adding Files to the Playlist
1. In the Entertainment menu, press / to select Video Player
and then press
2. Press
+ 1.
3. You are prompted to the Video folder. To add a le to the playlist,
press SINGLE when the le is highlighted. A check mark can be
seen against the le name. Press SINGLE again for de-selection.
• Toaddalllestotheplaylist,pressALL. Press ALL again to de-select
all les.
• Tolookforlesinotherlocations,press
to exit the video folder.
4. When desired les are selected, press CONFIRM.
• Theselectedlesareaddedtotheplaylistandshownontherightof
the video player.
Playing Videos
1. In the Entertainment menu, press / to select Video Player
and then press
2. With video les in the playlist (on the right of the screen), press
F2 ( ) to start playback.
• PressF2 ( ) to pause the playback and press again to resume.
• Press (–) / (+) to adjust the volume.