When the water is at or above the minimum temperature for boiling (transition temperature), the
controller pulses power to the elements at a programmable rate. The range can be set between 0 and
9. The default setting is 5. When the water temperature is below boiling point, the power
application is 100 percent.
To set the Transition Temperature/Boil Intensity:
1. Verify that the controller is OFF (the display is blank).
2. Press the Simmer (right thermometer icon) switch to enter the programming mode; CODE appears
in the display.
3. Enter code 1111 (press the 1 button four times). Transition Temperature appears in the display.
(NOTE: If transition temperature does not appear, your controller is not configured with this
feature. Press the Simmer switch to exit the programming mode. The display will go blank.)
4. Enter the minimum temperature for boiling with the keypad. This temperature will vary with
your altitude. As a guide, the table below provides boiling points for altitudes from sea level to
6000 feet (1830 meters).
Altitude Boiling Point
Feet Meters °F °C
0 0 212 100
1000 305 210 99
2000 610 208 98
3000 915 207 97
4000 1220 205 96
5000 1525 203 95
6000 1830 201 94
5. Press the simmer switch; 5BI (the default setting for boil intensity) appears.
6. Use the keypad to enter one of the settings from the table below.
Setting Power ON Power OFF
0 100% 0%
9 90% 10%
8 80% 20%
7 70% 30%
6 60% 40%
5 50% 50%
4 40% 60%
3 30% 70%
2 20% 80%
1 10% 90%
7. Press the simmer switch to lock in the new settings and exit the programming mode. The display
will go blank.