NOTE: The computer can be programmed for either “standard” or “slow” clock speed.
The standard clock displays minutes and seconds, the slow clock displays hours and minutes.
To toggle back and forth between clock speeds, press the Program Mode switch, then
enter the code 1 6 5 3 using the product buttons.
To determine if the clock speed is set to standard or slow, initiate a cook cycle by
pressing a product button. If the computer is set to the standard clock, the time in the
LED display will immediately begin to count down. If it does not, the computer is set to
the slow clock.
7. Sh1 (Stir Time 1) appears in the left display. If your product requires stirring during the
cooking process, set the number of seconds to cook before stirring using the product buttons.
If your product does not require stirring, enter “0”. The number entered will appear in the
right display. The stir time can be programmed up to 59:59, but cannot exceed the product
cook time. Press to lock in the programmed time.
Sh2 will appear. Program the time of the second stir time as above. Be sure the time
entered is greater than Sh1 or else is “0”.
Sh3 will appear. Program the length of the third stir time in the same manner as for Stir
Times 1 and 2. Be sure that the time entered is greater than Sh2 or else is “0”.
For example, entering “30” means the product needs to be stirred after it has been cooking
for thirty seconds. At the end of thirty seconds, an alarm will sound and the product switch
will flash until cancelled by the operator pressing the product button.
Remember: Sh2 must be greater than Sh1 (or else be “0”). Sh3 must be greater than
Sh2 (or else be “0”). None of the stir times can be greater than the cook time entered in
Step 6.
8. SELP (Select Product) will again appear in the left display. If more products are to be
programmed, follow Steps 5 through 8 for each additional product.
9. When you complete your programming, lock in the whole program by pressing the
Temperature Check/Program Lock Switch .
3.2.2 Operating the Computer
Turn the computer on by pressing the Power
switch. NOTE: A decimal between digits 1 and 2
in either LED Display indicates the unit is heating.
1. One of the following will normally be displayed:
a. °-Lo, indicating that the water temperature is 11°F (6°C) lower than the setpoint.
b. “- - - -” indicating that the water temperature is in the cooking range. NOTE: For best
results, cooking should not be attempted unless the display indicates “- - - -”.