
Error Messages and Alerts
A file by that name already exists on FD.
This message appears when you attempt
to copy a file from the internal memory to
a floppy disk and a file by that name al-
ready exists on the disk.
Cannot use this LES. Please check network configuration.
You input an invalid LES ID.
Cannot abort current process.
The terminal unit displays this message if
you try to stop the DCE in operating con-
dition other than sending, receiving or
Cannot activate distress alert test.
Distress alert testing cannot be done with-
out permission from LES.
Cannot enter this message to sending Queue.
This message appears when a message is
sent to the message queue and it is full (two
messages maximum).
Cannot start PV Test. (not Logged-in)
You cannot start PV testing without first
logging in.
Cannot start to send. (EGC Receiver)
Transmission is not possible when the
FELCOM 12 operates as a EGC-only re-
Cannot start to send. (not Logged-in)
A message cannot be transmitted without
first logging in.
Close a file in use to make a new file.
The working areas are full (capacity: two
files). Close a file to load a file to a work-
ing area.
Communication Unit is not Idle now. Cannot start login.
Cannot login when the communication
unit is not idle.
Communication unit is not Idle now. Cannot start scan.
This message appears when the FELCOM
12 operates as a EGC-only receiver and
scanning is initiated when the communi-
cation unit is not idle. Wait until the unit is
idle before starting scanning.
Communication Unit is not Idle now. Cannot start logout.
Cannot logout when communication unit
is not idle.