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1.2 Equipment Description
Keep the all equipment powered while the vessel is underway by regulations.
FURUNO SSB Radiotelephone
For ship-ship and ship-station radio communications in the MF/HF band. The main communi-
cations modes used are;
Voice communications (J3E/H3E) via the handset
DSC communications (Telex) by the DSC-60
Telex communications by the DP-6
DSC-60 MF/HF DSC Terminal
The DSC-60 has many functions. Below are its main functions.
Distress alert: Transmit the distress alert via the FURUNO SSB Radiotelephone.
Watches DSC distress and safety frequencies. The DSC-60 receives distress alert from ves-
sel in distress and all ships call (safety and urgent call) from ship or coast station.
All Ships Call: For urgent situation on own ship (for example, request for medical assis-
Individual Call: Place a call to a specific ship or coast station.
NBDP Terminal
The DP-6 provides Telex communications with coast stations over the MF/HF band via the
FURUNO SSB Radiotelephone. Furthermore, it can receive MSI (Maritime Safety Informa-
tion) messages via the FURUNO SSB Radiotelephone (Scan reception).
Note: NBDP is not included in the dual Inmarsat C type radio rack console.
Inmarsat C Mobile Earth Station
Provides distress and general Telex communications for mobile and fixed terrestrial subscrib-
ers in the Inmarsat C communications network. Telex messages are processed by what is known
as store-and-forward Telex. A Telex message transmitted by you arrives at a coast station where
it is stored temporarily and then delivered to the subscriber specified (No full duplex communi-
cations possible.)
AC/DC Radio Switch Box
The AC/DC Radio Switch Box consists of a battery charger and two rectifiers (PR-850AR and
PR-300) which can accept both AC and DC powers. In the event of main AC power failure,
auxiliary power (battery) provides power to the equipment, for the amount of time stipulated by
radio regulations.