] to select Nature. Press [Enter] to display the list. Select
appropriate nature of distress.
Undesignated Listing
Fire/Explosion Sinking
Flooding Disabled & Adrift
Collision Abandoning ship
Grounding Further assistance required
Piracy or Armed Attack
If nature of distress is not specified, “Undesignated” is auto-
matically selected.
12.Press [Enter] to close the list.
13.Press [ ] to go to the Course and/or Speed entry. Enter course
and/or speed if they are different from what appears on the screen.
14.Press [Esc]. You are now asked to update data entered.
*Current update is shown at the position display of the bottom right corner.
Figure 6-2 Distress Alert setup, requesting confirmation of
15.Press [Enter] to register data you’ve just entered.
Figure 6-3 Distress Alert setup, distress alert updated