Av. Kit Install. Manual
190-00067-02 Rev. J
Page 16
Note that the below pages are in the order found when rotating the outer knob
clock-wise starting at the Display Test Page. See Section 4.1 to get to this page.
This page allows the setting of display parameters that affect the display brightness
in automatic mode.
response time sets the speed with which the brightness responds to ambient light
changes. The higher the number the slower the display responds.
min sets the minimum brightness of the display. The higher the number the
brighter the minimum brightness.
slope sets the sensitivity the brightness of the display has to changes in ambient
light. The higher the number the brighter the display will be for a given increase
in ambient lighting.
4.2.2 I/O CHANNEL 1
Select the I/O CHANNEL 1 Test Page. Change the selectable input and output to
match that of the installed equipment. The available options are:
Input: Field Description
off No units connected to Channel 1 input
icarus-alt Serial altitude received from:
Icarus, Model 3000, Mode C Serializer
shadin-alt Serial altitude received from:
Shadin 9000T Serializer System (Non-TSO'd)
Shadin 9200T Series Serializer System (Non-TSO'd)
Shadin 8800T Series Encoder System (TSO'd)
shadin-fuel Fuel information received from:
Shadin 91204XT Series Digital Fuel Management System
Shadin 91053XT Series Digital Fuel Management System
arnav/ei-fuel Fuel information received from:
Arnav, Model FC-10, Fuel Computer (TSO'd)
Arnav, Model FT-10, Fuel Totalizer (TSO'd)
Electronics International, Model FP-5L, Fuel Flow
Computer (Non-TSO'd)
shadin-adc Air data information received from:
Various models from the 9628XX-X family
shadin-fadc Fuel/Air data information received from:
Various models from the 9628XX-X family