Av. Kit Install. Manual
190-00067-02 Rev. J
Page 18
Output: Field Description
off No units connected to ARINC 429 output
Collins PL2 EFS Collins Pro Line 2 EFIS connected (w/ GAMA)
King EFS 40/50 King Radio EFIS 40 or 50 connected (w/ GAMA)
w/o GAMA labels Any unit that receives standard 429 output
Below is a list of labels output by the GNC 300:
Navigation/position data
(octal) Description
100 Selected course
114 Desired track
115 Bearing to waypoint
116 Cross track error
121 Horizontal command (to autopilot)
251 Distance to go
252 Time to go
310 Present position latitude
311 Present position longitude
312 Ground speed
313 Ground track
314 True heading
320 Magnetic heading
147* Magnetic variation
261* GPS navigation mode
275* Navigation status
326* Lateral scale factor
351* Distance to destination
352* Time to destination
Flight plan data
(octal) Description
074* Flight plan header
075* Active from/to waypoints
113* Message checksum
300* Station magnetic variation/type/class
303* Message length/type/number
304* Waypoint identifier characters 1-3
305* Waypoint identifier characters 4-6
306* Waypoint latitude
307* Waypoint longitude