Chapter 17: Troubleshooting
Memory card reader
Drive letter for the memory card slot does not appear in the My
Computer window
■ Reboot your convertible tablet PC.
Modem (dial-up)
Your modem does not dial or does not connect
■ Make sure that the modem cable is plugged into the modem jack and not
the Ethernet network jack. See “Right Side” on page 5 to make sure that
the connections have been made correctly.
■ Make sure that your convertible tablet PC is connected to the telephone
line and the telephone line has a dial tone.
■ Make sure that the modem cable is less than 6 feet (1.8 meters) long.
■ Remove any line splitters or surge protectors from your telephone line,
then check for a dial tone by plugging a working telephone into the
telephone wall jack.
■ If you have additional telephone services such as call waiting, call
messaging, or voice mail, make sure that all messages are cleared and call
waiting is disabled before using the modem. Contact your telephone
service to get the correct code to temporarily disable the service. Also make
sure that the modem dialing properties are set appropriately.
To check the dialing properties:
1 Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel
window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap
Printers and Other Hardware.
2 Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Phone and Modem Options
icon, then click/tap the
Dialing Rules tab.
Help and
For more information about troubleshooting memory
errors, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.
Type the keyword memory error in the Search box
, then click/tap the arrow.