
Chapter 3: Getting Help
Support Home
To get specific information about your convertible tablet PC, type your serial
number into the My Support box, then click/tap
Continue, or click/tap Look up
my serial number for me
. For more information, see “Finding your specifications”
on page 12.
Support Home, then click/tap All Support Documents to access product
documentation, specifications, and guides. By entering your serial number, you
get specific documents related to your convertible tablet PC. You can also
browse through the reference area to locate an article specific to the question
you have.
Support Home, then click/tap General Tutorials to access an extensive
library of how-to articles and videos on topics such as making audio CDs and
installing a hard drive.
Click/Tap Downloads, then click/tap My Downloads to get the latest software
updates for BIOS and driver upgrades. By entering your serial number you get
drivers specific to your convertible tablet PC. Click/Tap
All Downloads to walk
through a step-by-step wizard to locate your drivers.
Contact Us
Click/Tap Contact Us to access links to technical support with a live technician,
including chat and e-mail. Click/Tap
Call Us to get a list of Gateway telephone
numbers for both sales and support. For more information, see “Telephone
numbers” on page 305.
Account Info
Click/Tap Account Info to access support for non-technical issues, like the status
of your order or changing your account address.
PC Tools
Click/Tap PC Tools to access utilities to help you manage your convertible
tablet PC.