Before first use
• Carefully remove the steam iron from packaging.
• Remove the cardboard and tissue paper from the soleplate (14).
• Cleantheoutsideoftheironwithadampclothandamilddetergent.
• Loosenthetie(11) and completely unwind the power cord (11).
• Whenusingtheironforthersttime,werecommendtestingitonasparepiece
of fabric to ensure that the soleplate (14) and water reservoir (12) are completely
• The ironmay produce an odorand give off smoke when rst switched on, as
residues from the production process are eliminated. This is normal and does not
indicate a defect or hazard.
• Theironmayspitorsputterduringtherstfewuseswithtapwater.Thishappens
as the steam chamber becomes conditioned. This will stop after a few uses.
Color-changing indicator and buzzer signal
• This iron is equipped with a color-changingindicator (13) on both sides of the
water reservoir (12) and a buzzer. The fabric setting display (7) shows the setting in
corresponding colors ( Fabric setting chart).
• Pressthefabricsettingbutton(7) repeatedly, until the desired setting is displayed
( Fabric setting chart).
• Thefabricsettingdisplay(7) and the color-changing indicator (13) flash until the
set temperature is reached.
• Afterthesettemperatureisreached,thefabricsettingdisplay(7) and the color-
changing indicator (13) stop flashing and light up continuously in the corresponding
• Thebuzzerbeepsonce.
• When the iron switchesoff automatically ( Auto shut-off function), the fabric
setting display (7) and color-changing indicator (13) start flashing again. The
buzzer beeps six times.
Iron-169233-05 (GB).indd 6 1/11/10 9:59 AM