Filling the iron with water
NOTE: This iron has been designed to work with ordinary tap water; however, if you
live in an area with hard water, we recommend the use of distilled water. Chemically
softened water (e.g. from household water softeners) is not recommended and may
cause the iron to leak or spit.
• Ensuretheironisunpluggedfromthethewalloutlet.
• Placetheirononitssoleplate(14) on a flat, dry and level surface.
• Pressthefunction knob (4) to open the fill inlet cover (2) (ill.
• Usethesuppliedmeasuringcup(15) and fill the water reservoir (12) through the fill
inlet (3) until the MAX fill level on the reservoir (12) is reached (ill.
• Closethellinletcover(2) (ill.
• Holdtheironhorizontallyandmovebackandforthforabout30seconds( Anti-
calc system).
Setting the temperature
NOTE: Always follow the ironing instructions attached to the fabric. Please refer to the
fabric setting chart on the following page if there should be no ironing instructions on
the fabric.
• Ifthefabricconsistsofamixtureofbers,settheironaccordingtotheberthat
requires the lowest temperature.
• Connecttheirontoasuitablewalloutlet.
and appear on the fabric setting display (7). flashes in blue
slowly. Meanwhile, the color-changing indicator (13) also flashes in blue.
• Placetheirononitsheel(10) on a level surface (ill.
• Pressthefabricsettingbutton(7) repeatedly, until the desired setting is displayed
( Fabric setting chart). The color-changing indicator (13) flashes in the
corresponding color.
• Allowtheirontoheatup.
• Afterthesettemperatureisreached,thefabricsettingdisplay(7) and the color-
changing indicator (13) stop flashing and light up continuously in the corresponding
• The buzzer beeps once.
• Theironisreadyforuse.
Iron-169233-05 (GB).indd 7 1/11/10 9:59 AM