"I gEAppliancesWebsite ge.com
Haxe a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try tile (;E Appliances _4'ebsite 24 hour's a day;
any day of tile xear'. For greater comenience, )ou can now download Owner's Manuals, or exert order parts
_, and catalogs on-line. Y_m can also "_sk Our Team of Experts '" your questions, and so much more...
RealLifeDesignStudio ge.com
GE supports tile Unive_'sal Design concept--products, services and environments that can be used by
people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design fin" a wide range ot physical and
ment;d abilities and impaim_ents. For details of GE's Unive_'sal Design applications, including kitchen
design ideas fin" people with disabilities, check out our X.Vel>ite today. Dn" the heating impaired, please call
800.TDD.GEA(: (800.833.4322).
Individuals qualified to set_'ice their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their
homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line toda)', 24 horn's every' day or
by phone at 800.626.2002 duling noi_/nal business houi's.
Instructions contained in thismanual coverprocedures tobe performed by any user. GEdoes notsupportany
servicing of the dehumidifier. We stronglyrecommend that you do not attempt toservice _e dehumidifier yourself.
If vou are not satisfied with tile service w)u receive fl'om GE, contact us on our X.Vebsite with all tile details
including your phone ntllllbeI'_ oi" wlite to: (;eneral Manage_; CtlStOlllei" Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park
i,ouisville, KY 40225
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