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Problem Possible Causes What ToDo
Dehumidifier The dehmnidifier * Make sure the dehunfidifier's plug is pushed completely
does not start is maplugged, into the outlet.
The fuse is blown/circttit • Check the house fuse/circuit breaker box and replace
breaker is tripped, the filse or reset the breaker;
Dehumidifier has reached its • The dehumidifier automatically turns off when this
preset level or bucket is full. occm's. Empty the bucket and replace prol_erly.
Bucket is not in the • See the Installing the Water Bucket section.
proper position,
Dehumidifier does not Did not allow enough time • _,_]_en fix_t installed, allow at least 24 houi_ to maintain
dry the airas itshould to remove the moisture, the desired dryness.
Airflow is restricted. • Make sure there are no curtains, blinds or flu'niture
blocking the fl'ont or back of the dehumidifie_: See the
Choosinga Locationsection.
The HmnidJty Control may • Press the Humidity Control • pad to lower the
not be set low enough, h umidi_' setting.
Doors and windows may not • Check that all (loo_, windows and other openings
be closed tightly, are securely closed.
Clothes dryer may be • Install the dehumidifier away fl'om the dryer:
blowing moisture-laden The drxer should be xented to the outside.
air into the room.
Room temperature • Moisture removal is best at higher room temperatures.
is too low. I,ower room temperatures will reduce the moisture
remowfl rate. This trait is designed to be operated at
temperatures above 65°F (l 8°C).
Dehumidifierruns Area to be dehumidified • ReiFr to the chart below to see if the capacity of yore"
too much is too large, dehumidifier is adequate.
Doors and windows m'e open. • Close all (loo_ and windo_vs to the outside.
Frostappearson Dehumidifier has been recently • This is natural. Frost will usually disappear
the coils turned on or room temperature within 60 minutes. See the Automatic Defrost section.
is below 65°F (18°C).
Fannoise Air is moving through • This is nomml.
the dehumidifier.
Water on floor Bucket drain hose • Check the hose if one is attached.
connection may be loose.
Water bucket is not • See the Installingthe WaterBucket section.
all of the way h_.
What dehumidifier de you need?
Conditionwithoutdehumidification-- Area (in square feet)
Duringwarm and humidoutdoorconditions 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Moderately damp--Space feels damp
and has musty odor only in humid weathe_ AI_¥30 AI_¥30 AHW30 AHW30 AHH40 AHH40
Very damp--Space always feels damp and has musty
odo_ Damp spots show on walls or floo_ AHOY30 AHOY30 AHW30 AHH40 AHH40 AHH40
Wet--Space feels and smells wet. Wails or floor sweat,
or seepage is present. AHOY30 AHOY30 AHH40 AHH40 AHH40 AHGS0
Extremely wet--Laundry drying, wet floor, high-load conditions AI_¥30 AI_¥30 AHH40 AHH40 AHGS0 AHGS0
Tableindicates recommended GEdehumidifier models, based onthe area of the space to be dehumidified and the conditions that would exist in that space when a
dehumidifier is net in use. Dehumidification variables also include such otherfactors as climate, laundryequipment, numberef family members, number of doorsand
windows and degreeand intensity of areaactivity.