
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First EPM Device- Special Considerations
Adding an Ethernet Site
An Ethernet site defines the network connection between the devices and the
Workstation(s). You add Ethernet sites to Workstations, then add devices to the sites.
To add a new Ethernet site, right-click a Workstation name and choose “Insert:
Ethernet site” from the pop-up menu – attach it to the current Workstation. Click OK
to continue.
An Add Ethernet Site dialog box (shown below) appears.
Set the following communications parameters for the site.
Enter the Transmit delay setting (in milliseconds). This setting determines
the level of traffic on the network. If the PMCS system is the sole user of the
network, set this value to 5 (or less) to maximize performance. Increase the
transmit delay in situations where the network is shared with other users,