
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Using MMS Servers with PMCS
Using MMS Servers with PMCS
What is an MMS Server?
PMCS is an extremely flexible system which supports generic DDE Servers. One such server
is the SISCO AX-S4 MMS Server (MMS stands for Manfacturing Message Specification).
AX-S4 MMS ("Access for MMS") is an easy to use tool that provides real-time data
integration for Windows applications. PMCS applications can access data from MMS servers
as well as the PMCS DDE Server. The MMS Server should only be used with PMCS when
integrating devices that comply to the UCA/MMS 2.0 standard.
For details on the SISCO AX-S4 MMS Server, refer to the AX-S4 MMS for Windows 95 and
Windows NT User's Guide, which shipped with your MMS software product.
For convenience, installation and setup instructions to prepare an MMS Server for access by
PMCS applications are provided here.
System Requirements
The following table shows the minimum recommended PC system configuration for running
the MMS Server and software with PMCS Version 6.9. Note that regardless of configuration,
the PC system must be Windows NT-certified according to the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Hardware Compatibility List, available from Microsoft (www.microsoft.com). In addition to
the requirements described below, setting up PMCS and EPM7700 workstations will require
Windows NT Administrator-level authority privileges, as described earlier in the Getting
Started section.
Minimum PC Requirements for using MMS Technology with PMCS
Dual Pentium III processor, 500 MHz or better
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Service Pack 3 (SP5 recommended),
Windows 2000 Professional, Cimplicity version 4.01 Service Pack 9 or
Cimplicity version 5.0 Service Pack 1
256 megabytes of RAM
512K cache
10-gigabyte hard disk
Super VGA video adapter and monitor
CD-ROM drive