Using the self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and aft controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Wipe up heavy soil on the oven
bottom. (appearance may vary)
Before a Clean Cycle
We recommend venting your kitc:hen
,_ith an open,_indow or using a
ventilation f>mor 11oo(tduring the first
self:dean (¢,cle.
Remove fl_eshelves, broiler pan, broiler
grid, all cookware and any alunlinum fbil
from the oven.
The oven shelves can be self:cleaned, but
they _ill darken, lose their luster and
becolne hard m slide.
Soil on the front frame of the range and
outside the gasket on the door will need
to be cleaned by hand. Clean these areas
with hot water, soap-filled steel-wool pads
or cleansers such as Soft Scmb_ Rinse
well with clean water and dU.
Do not clean the gasket. The fiberglass
lnaterial of the oven door gasket cannot
withstand abrasion. It is essential for the
gasket to remain intact. If you notice it
becolning worn or frayed, replace it.
Wipe up aW heaxT spillovers on the oven
Make sure the oven light bulb cover is in
place and the oven light isof£
IMPORTANT'.The health of some birds is
extremely sensitive to the fimles _ven off
(hmng tim self:cleaning (?,cle of any
range. Move birds to anoflmr well
ventilated room.
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
Pressthe SELFCLEANpad.
pads, enter the desired clean time, if
a time other than 4 hours is needed.
Clean c¢,cletime is normally 4 hours. You
can change tim clean time to aW time
between 3 hours and 3hours, depending
on how dirty your oven is.
[_ Press the STARTpad.
The door locks mltolnatically. The display
will show the clean time relnaining. It will
not be possible to open the oven door
until the temperature drops below the
lock temperature and the LOCKEDDOOR
light goes of£
The oven shuts off automatically when
the clean c_,cleis complete.
When the LOCKEDDOORlight is off, open
the door.
The words LOCKDOORwill flash and
the oven control will signal ifyou set
the clean (?,cle and forget to close the
oven door.
To stop a clean (¢,cle,press the
DOORlight goes offindicating the
oven has cooled below the locking
telnperamre, open the door.