Before YouCall ForService...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What ToDo
Glass Cooktop Models
Surfaceunitswill not
maintaina rolling boil
or cookingis not
fast enough
Improper cookware
being used.
• Use pans which are flat and match the diameter
of the surf_tce unit selected.
Surface units do A fuse in your home may * Replace fllse or reset circuit breaker.
notworkproperly be blown or the circuit
breaker tripped.
Cooktop controls * Check to see the correct control is set for the surfilce
improperly set. unit you are using.
tiny scratches (may Incorrect cleaning * Use recolnmended cleaning procedures.
appearas cracks) methods being used.
or abrasions onradiant
cooktop glass surface Cookware with rough * Be sure cookware bottolns and cookware are (:lean
bottoms being used or coarse befbre use. Use cookware with slnooth bottoms. Tiny
particles (salt or sand were scratches are not relnovable but will become less
between the cookware and visible in time as a resuh of cleaning.
the surface of the cooktop.
Cookware has been slid
across the cooktop surface.
Areas of discoloration Improper cookware * Marks fi'om aluminum and copper pans as well as
on the cooktop being used. mineral deposits fi'om water or food can be relnoved
with the cleaning cream.
Plastic melted Hot cooktop came into • See the Special Care infbrmation in the Cleaningthe
to the surface contact with plastic placed glass cooktop section.
on the hot cooktop.
Pitting of the cooktop Hot sugar mixture spilled * (;all a qualified technician for replacelnent.
on the cooktop.
Frequent cycling offand Improper cookware * Use only flat cookware to lninimize cycling.
and on of surface units being used.
Electric Coil Models
Surface units not The surface units are • With the controls off, check to make sure the surface
functioning properly not plugged in solidly, unit is plugged completely into the receptacle.
The surface unit * Check to see the correct control is set for the surfilce
controls improperly set. unit you are using.
The drip pans are not set * With the controls off, check to lnake sure the drip
securely in the cooktop, pan is in the recess in the cooktop and that the
opening in the pan lines up with the receptacle.
Large pans hold heat * Choose a pan that znatches the size of the surface unit
close to the cooktop, you are using.
The oven vent is blocked. * Pans on the fight rear surface unit |)lock air flow /99
from the oven vent and cause the cooktop to get hot.