Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD 19 0150-0261A
7 Troubleshooting
If you are unable to verify capture of transaction text, do the following:
1. Check that each device is properly powered.
2. Check that the ECR to Camera address is correctly programmed SW1.
3. Check that all cables and cable connections are correct
4. If data is being displayed but is not intelligible, the likelihood is that the
baud rate is different than the default value for the selected register.
Check with the baud rate settings for the Receipt Printer on your POS
To change the Baud Rate, the available settings are controlled via the
dipswitch settings on SW2 (dipswitches 2-4).
Legend: Up (Off) = U Down (On) = D
Switch Setting
Baud Rate
Port 2
2 3 4
1200 U U U
2400 U U D
4800 U D U
9600 U D D
14.4k D U U
19.2k D U D
38.4k D D U
5. If the DVMRe is not receiving data at all, you can use a built-in
demonstration text message to verify that the PB3 is passing data to the
DVMRe (see Section 6.2 for demo mode).
a. Remember to return the dipswitches to the normal mode
(Demo mode off).
6. If you are still unable to get the Interface to work, please contact Kalatel
Technical Support.