Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD 31 0150-0261A
11 PB3-POS with DVMRe
-CD/CS Units
If the unit to be connected to the PB3 is a DVMRe-CD (Duplex) or a DVMRe-CS
(Simplex) unit, please note the following changes to the normal installation and
configuration process below.
11.1 DVMRe-CS/CD Setup
Follow the installation steps in Section 5.1 through step number 8:
Connecting the PB3 to a DVMRe-CS/CD:
The PB3 connects to either RS-232/1 or RS-232/2 port of the DVMRe-
CD/CS depending on if a modem is installed on RS-232/1 port.
i. ProBridge Port #1 (RJ45) connects to RS-232/1 Port of
the DVMRe-CD/CS using the supplied RJ45 to DB9F
ii. The DVMRe communications port needs to be
programmed as follows:
Communications>RS-232>Port 1 > ATM Activate
b. MODEM (Connected to RS-232/1 Port of DVMRe-CD/CS)
i. ProBridge Port #1 (RJ45) connects to RS-232/2 Port of
the DVMRe-CD/CS using a RJ45 to DB9M cable. The
provided RJ45 to DB9F cable can be used provided a
Kalatel recommends using a DVMRe-
initially connect the PB3 unit to. The on-screen text
display will make it easy to confirm successful capture of
POS transactions. Once you have confirmed proper
operation, disconnect the Triplex unit and hook-up the
Duplex (or Simplex) unit as indicated below.
Alternatively, you can confirm configuration using a
Laptop/PC running Windows HyperTerminal.