17.7 System Events
17.7.1 Description
The event log records operating events as single-line entries listed in chronological order,
and are a useful tool for isolating problems. Each event log entry is composed of four fields
as shown below:
• Severity field: Indicates one of the following
• I (Information) indicates routine events; A (Activity) indicates activity on the switch;
D (Debug) is reserved for GE Multilin; C (Critical) indicates that a severe switch error
has occurred; and F (Fatal). indicates that a service has behaved unexpectedly.
• Date field: the date in mm/dd/yy format (as per configured) that the entry was
placed in the log.
• Time field: is the time in hh:mm:ss format (as per configured) that the entry was
placed in the log.
• Description field: is a brief description of the event.
The event log holds up to 1000 lines in chronological order, from the oldest to the newest.
Each line consists of one complete event message. Once the log has received 1000 entries,
it discards the current oldest line (with information level severity only) each time a new line
is received. The event log window contains 22 log entry lines and can be positioned to any
location in the log.
17.7.2 Command Line Interface Example
The following example illustrates a typical event log.
Example 17-2: Typical system event log
show log
S DATE TIME Log Description
-- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------
I 03-02-2005 5:14:43 P.M SYSMGR:System Subnet Mask changed
I 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M SYSMGR:successfully registered with DB Manager
I 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M SYSMGR:successfully read from DB
A 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M VLAN:Vlan type set to Port VLAN
I 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M SYSMGR:system was reset by user using CLI command
I 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M SNTP:Date/Time set to 01-01-2001 12:00AM
I 01-01-2001 12:00:00 A.M SNTP:Client started
I 03-03-2005 4:32:48 A.M SNTP:Date and Time updated from SNTP server
I 03-03-2005 9:31:59 A.M TELNET:Telnet Session Started
I 03-03-2005 9:32:04 A.M CLI:manager console login|
A 03-03-2005 9:32:11 A.M IGMP:IGMP Snooping is enabled
A 03-03-2005 9:35:40 A.M IGMP:IGMP Snooping is disabled
A 03-03-2005 9:41:46 A.M IGMP:IGMP Snooping is enabled