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Chapter 4 Serial Communications
Serial communications with the State Logic Processor (SLP) is provided through one of
the two serial ports. Each of these ports can send and receive serial data independent
from the other. Port 1 is an RS-232 port and port 2 is an RS-422/485 port. There is only
one 25-pin connector on the SLP which provides access to the connections for both
ports. The SLP comes with a WYE cable which provides one 25-pin connector for each
ECLiPS and OnTOP must communicate with the SLP through the programming port.
Either port can be the programming port, but port 1 is the default programming port.
When ECLiPS or OnTOP is not connected to the SLP, the programming port can be used
to communicate with some other serial device. To properly set the programming port to
communicate with another device, exit ECLiPS or OnTOP normally before disconnect-
ing from the SLP.
Either of these ports may also be a CCM port. The CCM port uses the GE Fanuc CCM2
protocol for all communications. This protocol is used for connecting the SLP with a host
computer which collects data and changes data in the SLP. Typical CCM uses are con-
necting to a graphical user interface program such as CIMPLICITY or for custom host
interaction with the SLP.
The SLP is always a slave to the host, i.e., all communications are initiated by the host
computer. The SLP may be one of several devices on a CCM network. The CCM port is
always the port that is not designated as the programming port. The CCM port is a nor-
mal RS-232 or RS-422/485 port when CCM communications are not enabled.
CIMPLICITY is a registered trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.