restart lowapp ARestart oddapp: ARestarts for autonumbers that do not restart in
each chapter. figure bi level 1, reset table_big level 1, reset chap_big level 1, reset1
Lowapp Alwbox restart evenap:A1app_big level 1, resetA figure_ap level 1, reset
table_ap level 1, reset figure level 1, reset table level 1, reset these restarts
oddbox reset: 1evenbox reset: 1must be in the header frame of chapter 1. a:ebx, l 1
resetA a:obx:l 1, resetA a:bigbx level 1 resetA a:ftr level 1 resetA c:ebx, l 1 reset1
c:obx:l 1, reset1 c:bigbx level 1 reset1 c:ftr level 1 reset1 Reminders for
autonumbers that need to be restarted manually (first instance will always be 4)
let_in level 1: A. B. C. letter level 1:A.B.C. num level 1: 1. 2. 3. num_in level 1: 1. 2.
3. rom_in level 1: I. II. III. roman level 1: I. II. III. steps level 1: 1. 2. 3.
Chapter 1 State Logic Processor Description
The State Logic Processor (SLP) is a module which inserts into a Series 90 -30 PLC chas-
sis. This module has the State Engine operating system to execute State Logic control
programs produced by the ECLiPS programming software package.
The SLP exists together with a CPU module in the Series 90 -30 PLCs. The CPU must be
a model 331, Revision 3.03 or higher. The CPU may execute a Relay Ladder Logic Pro-
gram at the same time the State Logic Processor is executing a State Logic Program. The
SLP manipulates the CPU memory space and the CPU controls the I/O during its normal
cycle of operations. More than one SLP can be installed in one Series 90-30 PLC system,
although the SLP must be installed in the main rack with the CPU.
The software products, ECLiPS and OnTOP, are the user interfaces to the SLP. ECLiPS is
a program development and on-line monitoring software product which runs on an
IBM-PC compatible computer. OnTOP, the On-Line Troubleshooting Operator Pro-
gram, also runs on an IBM-PC compatible computer. For questions about programming
or on-line functions, see the ECLiPS or OnTOP User’s Manuals.
IBM-PC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.