Rear Access Re-lamping and Fixed Aiming—The
★Sport floodlight’s rear reflector cover serves as an access
door to the optical for re-lamping and maintenance without any
adjustment to the aiming of the floodlight. The cover hinges
open 90 degrees for easy access.
Broken Glass Shutdown Circuit—Metal halide light sources
produce ultraviolet (UV) radiation. If a person is directly exposed,
this radiation can cause discomfort and sometimes permanent eye
damage. Normally UV radiation is absorbed in a lamp’s outer bulb
or jacket.
Unjacketed lamps rely on a luminaire’s optical lens to absorb
UV. If the lens of a fixture that uses an unjacketed lamp is broken,
the escaping ultraviolet radiation can create a potential health risk
to players and spectators.
Because of this risk, Ultra
★Sport floodlight is the first sports
lighting fixture to feature a Broken Glass Shutdown Circuit .
The system continuously senses the integrity of the front door
glass. In the unlikely event that the lens is broken, the system
automatically shuts off power to the lamp. A Broken Glass
Shutdown Circuit is a standard feature on all Ultra
Instant Hot Restart—Ultra
★Sport floodlights can be
ordered with a new optional instant hot restart feature. After a
momentary power interruption or line voltage dip which
causes the lamp to extinguish, the hot restart pulse will restart
the lamp within two seconds of power reapplication.