Technical Description
Luminaire Construction—Ultra
★Sport floodlight’s optical
reflectors and electrical components are enclosed and protected
in integral, but thermally isolated, heavy-duty aluminum housings.
Rear Reflector Housing—The Rear/Primary reflector is
housed in a non-corrosive high pressure die-cast aluminum cover
hinged to the main housing ring and held shut by four corrosion
resistant fasteners. High temperature gaskets completely seal the
rear reflector housing to the main housing.
Rear Re-Lamping—The rear reflector cover serves an access
door to the optical and provides no-tool entry for re-lamping and
maintenance without any adjustment to the aiming of the
floodlight. The cover hinges open 90 degrees where it is
physically stopped.
For safety, a lamp power disconnect circuit removes power to
the lamp when the rear access door is opened.
Front Reflector Housing—The 20-inch (508mm) Front/
Secondary aluminum reflector is enclosed in a heavy-duty spun
aluminum casing. The front tempered door glass is 1/8-inch
(3.2mm) thick and is permanently sealed and gasketed to the
casing. A high temperature gasket seals the front optical.
Filtered Optics—The entire optical is sealed,
so that all thermal air transfer moves through an advanced
filtering system with particle trapping, chemical absorbing and
moisture controlling properties—critical for unjacketed metal
halide lamp life and optimum optical performance.
Main Power Train Housing—The main housing is made of
lightweight high-pressure die-cast aluminum and is integral to the
entire system.
The main housing design isolates the upper optical ring from
the lower electrical compartment for excellent thermal transfer.
The lower compartment contains all electrical components
including the optional hot restart components, in a compact low
wind load design.
Unlike other sports lighting fixtures that offer hot restart, the
★Sport does not require any external add on modules or
transformers that attach to the standard unit or protrude into the
reflector and reduce photometric performance. All hot restart
components mount inside the standard housing, so both the
standard and hot restart units have the same external appearance
and performance.
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