Zebra XiII Printer User’s Guide 47
Setting the Verifier Port Press the right or left oval key to display other choices.
Default: Off Selections: Off, 1 VER-RPRNT, 2 VER-THRUPUT
The Auxiliary Port is used to determine how the printer will react to the Zebra On-Line Verifier.
There are currently three operating conditions for this port.
• Off—The Verifier Port is off.
• 1 VER-RPRNT ERR—Label reprinted if verifier detects an error. If a bar code is near the upper
edge of the label, the label will be fed out far enough to be verified and then backfed to allow the
next label to be printed and verified.
• 2 VER-THRUPUT—Allows greatest throughput but may not indicate a verification error imme-
diately upon detection. May print from 1 to 3 labels before an error is recognized and printing
For more information on the operation of the optional verifier, refer to the documentation provided
with that option.
Setting the Applicator Port Press the right or left oval key to display other choices.
Default: Off Selections: Off, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 4
Determines the action of the verifier port.
• Off—The applicator port is off.
• Mode 1—Asserts the ~END_PRINT signal low while the printer is moving the label forward.
• Mode 2—Asserts the ~END_PRINT signal high while the printer is moving the label forward.
• Mode 3—Asserts the ~END_PRINT signal low for 20 milliseconds when a label has been com-
pleted and positioned. Not asserted during continuous printing modes.
• Mode 4—Asserts the ~END_PRINT signal high for 20 milliseconds when a label has been com-
pleted and positioned. Not asserted during continuous printing modes.
xi2ch2 Page 47 Tuesday, April 23, 1996 1:45 PM