Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
72 Zebra XiII Printer User’s Guide
Feed Key Self Test
The Cancel Key Self Test should be performed prior to this self test. Infor-
mation on the “Configuration” printout (Cancel Key Self Test) can be used
with the results of this self test to determine the best Darkness setting for a
specific media/ribbon combination.
The Feed Key Self Test will print out at various Darkness settings above
and below that of the Darkness value shown on the Configuration Label.
See Figure 17. Inspect these labels and determine which one has the best
darkness setting for the application. This value can be entered into the
printer by setting the Darkness during the configuration procedure. Refer to
page 34 for more information.
The value printed on that label is added to (plus) or subtracted from (minus)
the “Darkness” value specified on the Configuration Label. The resulting
numeric value (0 to 30) is the best darkness value for that specific media/
ribbon combination.
Feed Key and Pause Key Self Test
Pressing these two keys at the same time, while turning the Power on, tem-
porarily resets the Printer Configuration to the factory default values. These
values will be active only until power is turned off unless you save them
permanently in memory.
Communications Diagnostics Test
This test is controlled from the front panel display. Refer to page 42. A typ-
ical printout from this test is shown in Figure 18. Turn the power off to exit
this self test.
Note: This label will be inverted when printed.
Additional Printer Diagnostics
Additional diagnostic tests are available for the Zebra XiII printer, however
they are beyond the scope of this user’s guide. Refer to the maintenance
manual (part # 48452L) for information about these additional tests.
xi2ch4 Page 72 Tuesday, April 23, 1996 11:58 AM