Chapter 6. Epson FX286-E Emulation GEK-00029A
ESC \ n1 n2 Set Relative Print Position:
Sets the position where printing will
occur next relative to the current print position. Parameters n1 and
n2 are in 1/120-inch increments and are expressed as n1 + (n2 x
256). Parameter limits for n1 and n2 are 0-255.
Example 1:
If you want to move 4 inches to the right, then:
4 x 120 = 480 (total number of 1/120-inch increments
480/256 = 1 with a remainder of 224
n1 = 224
n2= 1
Expressed In BASIC, this is:
Example 2:
If you want to move 4 inches to the left, then:
65,536 - 480 = 65,056
65,056/256 = 254 with a remainder of 32
n1 - 32
n2 – 254
Expressed in BASIC, this is:
Decimal: 27 92 (n1) (n2)
Hex: 1B 5C (n1H) (n2H)
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(92);CHR$(n1);CHR$(n2);
ESC s n Turn Half-Speed Print Mode ON/OFF:
Turns the half-speed print
mode on or off according to the value of the parameter n below. Half
speed printing is accomplished by only printing when the shuttle is
moving from right to left.
n=1 half-speed on
n=0 half-speed off
Decimal: 27 115 n
Hex: 1B 73 nH
BASIC CHR$(27);"s";CHR$(n);