GEK-00029A 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
OSC Operating System Command
: OSC introduces an Operating System
Command String. OSC control strings are ignored
Indeterminate Conditions
The start of this control string is recognized but all of the data that
follows is ignored until this sequence is either aborted or terminated
by an ST sequence.
Decimal: 27 93 or 157
Hex: 1B 5D or 9D
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(93); or CHR$(157);
PM Privacy Message
: Introduces a Privacy Message control String. PM
control strings are ignored.
Indeterminate Conditions
The start of this control string is recognized but all of the data that
follows is ignored until this sequence is either aborted or terminated
by an ST sequence.
Decimal: 27 94 or 158
Hex: 1B 5E or 9E
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(94); or CHR$158);
APC Application Program Command
: APC introduces an Application
Program Command String. APC control strings are ignored
Indeterminate Conditions
The start of this control string is recognized but all of the data that
follows is ignored until this sequence is either aborted or terminated
by an ST sequence.
Decimal: 27 95 or 159
Hex: 1B 5F or 9F
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(9F); or CHR$(159);
DECIPEM IBM Proprinter Emulation Mode
: Selects the Proprinter emulation.
Decimal: 155 63 53 56 104
Hex: 9B 3F 35 38 68
BASIC: CHR$(155);"?";"5";"8";"h";