Part No. 82258 Genie Z-80/60 9
Operator's ManualFirst Edition ยท Third Printing
15 Used for optional equipment
16 Gasoline/LPG models:
Gasoline/LPG select
button with indicator lights
17 Fault indicator light
18 Low fuel indicator light
19 Check engine indicator light
20 Red Emergency Stop button
21 Power indicator light
11 14 16 1817 20
22 21
22 Dual axis proportional control
handle for drive and steer
OR Proportional control
handle for drive function and
thumb rocker for steer
23 Single axis proportional
control handle for secondary
boom up/extend and
down/retract function
24 Single axis proportional
control handle for primary
boom extend/retract function
25 Drive enable button with
indicator light
26 Dual axis proportional control
handle for primary boom
up/down and turntable rotate
left/right functions
27 Jib boom up/down toggle
12 13 15