Part No. 82258 Genie Z-80/60 23
Operator's ManualFirst Edition ยท Third Printing
Operation from Platform
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
2 Pull out both ground and platform red
Emergency Stop buttons to the on position.
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Choose fuel by pressing
the fuel select button.
4 Start the engine. Do not press down the foot
switch when starting the engine.
To Position Platform
1 Press down the foot switch.
2 Slowly move the appropriate function control
handle or toggle switch or press the appropriate
button according to the markings on the control
To Steer
1 Press down the foot switch.
Models with 4 wheel steer:
2 Select the steer mode by pressing a steer mode
button. The indicator light next to the current
steer mode will be on.
All models:
3 Slowly move the drive/steer
control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue or yellow
triangles OR press the thumb rocker switch
located on top of the drive control handle.
Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
platform controls and the drive chassis to identify
the direction the wheels will turn.
Auxiliary Controls
Use auxiliary power if the primary power source
(engine) fails.
1 Turn the key switch to ground or platform
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
on position.
3 Press down the foot switch when operating the
auxiliary controls from the platform.
4 Simultaneously hold the auxiliary power button
and activate the desired function.
Machines equipped with the auxiliary power drive
option: The drive function will operate.
Operation from Ground
1 Turn the key switch to ground control.
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to
the on position.
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Choose fuel by pressing
the fuel select button.
4 Start the engine.
To Position Platform
1 Push and hold a function enable/
speed select button.
2 Push the appropriate function button
according to the markings on the
control panel.
Drive and steer functions are not
available from the ground controls.