03h Second set point ± 15 bits (4.1.2) SP L ... SP H
04h High limit for relay A2 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) Same as PI = 01h Same as PI = 01h
05h Low limit for relay A2 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) Same as PI = 01h Same as PI = 01h
06h Low set point ± 15 bits (4.1.2) X1 ... SP H For fixed value controller,
slave controller
–MBU/2 ... SP H For differential controller
07h High set point ± 15 bits (4.1.2) SP L ... X2 For fixed value controller,
slave controller
SP L ... MBU/2 For differential controller
08h Lower range limit standard signal ± 15 bits –1500 ... rn H For B2, B4, B5
09h Upper limit standard signal ± 15 bits rnL....9999 For B2, B4, B5
0Ch Calibration actual value ± 15 bits (4.1.2) –MBU/4 ... +MBU/4 For B1, B3, B4 and TC
–MBU/4 = Auto,
–MBU/4 + 1 ... MBU/4
For B1, B3, B4 and Pt100
0Dh Location of decimal point 8 bits
0, 1 = 9.999, 2 = 99.99,
3 = 999.9, 4 = none
For B2, B5
0Eh Ramp for rising set points ± 15 bits
0 = oFF, 1 ... MBU
0Fh Ramp for falling set points ± 15 bits
0 = oFF, 1 ... MBU
1) The decimal point is for the display on the R2600/01 only, not for the parameter values.
2) Unit per minute, see 4.1.2 for units