2 Telegram structure
All telegrams consist of one of 3 sets in both request and reply direction, they differ in their principal structure.
Their use is fixed for each interface function of the R2600/01.
Structure and use of the set types are described as follows.
2.1 Short set
Short sets are used on the request side (from the master)
• for transmission of short instructions to the equipment (e.g. Reset)
• for short requests of important data from the equipment (e.g. event data)
Short sets are used on the reply side (from the R2600/01)
• for acknowledgement of requests that require no reply data.
Principal construction short set
Character No. Contents Meaning Remarks
1 10h Start character Especially for short set
2 0 ... FAh, FFh Equipment address Addr and/or 255 (see 2.4.1)
3 Function field (FF) see 2.4.2
4 Checksum (PS) = Equipment address + FFh
5 16h End character Common to all set types