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Refer to Fig. 11 for reassembly.
1. Install the intake valve seat (11{) in the intake
housing (17), with the large bevel of the seat
facing the bottom of the housing. Lubricate the
seal (39*{) and install it in the housing. Set the
intake housing aside.
2. Install the piston seal (7*) on the piston seat (8).
Place the seat in a vise and close the jaws tight
enough to hold it securely, without placing too
much stress on the part. Apply thread sealant to
the threads of the seat and the piston guide (5).
Screw the guide onto the seat (8). Tighten using a
brass rod until the guide is securely seated,
approximately 125–137 N.m (92–101 ft–lb). See
Figs. 9 and 11.
3. Place the flats of the piston (6) in a vise. Apply
thread sealant to the threads of the rod (1) and the
top threads of the piston. Set the piston seat/guide
assembly onto the piston.
NOTE: Service Tool 109508 is available as an acces-
sory. The tool fits over the top of the displacement rod
(1), making it easier to apply a 24 inch adjustable
wrench or 3/4 in. drive socket when connecting the rod
to the piston (6).
4. Screw the rod (1) into the piston (6) hand tight.
Torque the rod to 459–481 N.m (338–354 ft–lb).
There will be a small gap between the top of the
piston (6) and the shoulder of the rod (1).
5. Apply thread sealant to the bottom threads of the
piston and the top threads of the priming piston rod
(12). Using an adjustable wrench on the flats of the
rod, screw the rod into the piston. Torque to
125–137 N.m (92–101 ft–lb). Be careful not to
create burrs on the flats of the rod.
6. Slide the rod guide (18) onto the priming piston rod
(12), making certain that the end nearest the valve
stop (VS) goes on the rod first. See the Detail in
Fig. 11.
7. With the beveled side facing up, press the seal
(43*) into the recess of the intake packing nut (9)
until it snaps into place. The nose of the seal
should be flush with or slightly recessed into the
face of the packing nut.
8. Lubricate the intake valve packings and the inner
diameter of the valve body (10{). Install the pack-
ings one at a time in the following order, with the
lips of the v-packings facing up: the female
gland (41*), one PTFE v-packing (40*), one
UHMWPE v-packing (42*), PTFE(40*), UHMWPE
(42*), and the male gland (16*). Screw the intake
packing nut (9) into the valve body (10) handtight.
See the Detail in Fig. 11.
9. Slide the assembled intake valve onto the priming
piston rod (12), making certain that the packing nut
(9) goes on the rod first. Push the valve assembly
up the rod, stopping before it reaches the rod
guide (18).
10. Hold the valve body (10) steady with a wrench
while using an adjustable wrench to tighten the
packing nut (9). See Fig. 8. Torque to 97–106 N.m
(71–78 ft–lb). Use a hammer and brass rod to
carefully drive the valve assembly further up the
rod until it reaches the stop (VS).
11. Remove the displacement rod (1) from the vise.
Place the cylinder (4) sideways in the vise with soft
12. Lubricate the seal (39*) and place it on the bottom
of the cylinder (4). (The cylinder is symmetrical, so
either end can be the bottom.) See Fig. 11.
13. Slide the displacement rod (1), piston assembly,
intake valve assembly, and priming piston rod (12)
into the cylinder (4) from the bottom, until the
mating surfaces of the rod guide (18) and cylinder
(4) meet.
14. Put the intake housing (17) upright in a vise,
making sure it is off-center so there is sufficient
clearance for the priming piston rod (12) to be
lowered through the housing. Take the rod and
cylinder assembly and lower it into the intake
housing until the rod guide (18) bottoms on the
intake seat (11) and the priming piston rod (12)
protrudes from the bottom of the intake housing
15. Screw the bleeder valve plug (35) into the valve
housing. The plug has two sets of threads. When
reassembling, be sure to screw the plug fully into
the valve housing.
NOTE: It is not ordinarily necessary to remove the
outlet nipple (20) and o-ring (25*). However, if they
were replaced because of damage, lubricate the o-ring
(25*) and place it on the nipple (20). Screw the nipple
into the outlet housing (19). Torque to 156–171 N.m
(115–126 ft–lb).