USB Data
64 312759R
USB Data
USB Logs
During operation, PR70 stores system and performance
related information to memory in the form of log files.
PR70 maintains two log files: error logs and event logs.
Follow the Download Procedure on this page to
retrieve log files.
Error Log
The error log file name is 1-ERROR.CSV and is stored
in the DOWNLOAD folder.
The error log maintains a record of the last 1,000 errors.
• Error occurrence date
• Error occurrence time
• Error description
Event Log
The event log file name is 2-EVENT.CSV and is stored
in the DOWNLOAD folder.
The event log maintains a record of the last 10,000
An event entry is stored on the completion of an event.
The following data, when applicable, is stored:
• Event date
• Event time
• Event description
• Shot Weight (grams)
• Dispense duration (seconds)
• Material A temperature
• Material B temperature
• Temperature units
Download Procedure
1. Insert USB flash drive into USB port.
2. The menu bar and USB indicator lights indicate that
the USB is downloading files. Wait for USB activity
to complete.
3. Remove USB flash drive from USB port.
4. Insert USB flash drive into USB port of computer.
5. The USB flash drive window automatically opens. If
it does not, open USB flash drive from within Win-
6. Open Graco folder.
7. Open system folder. If downloading data from ore
than one system, there will be more than one folder.
Each folder is labeled with the corresponding serial
number of the ADM (The serial number is on the
back of the ADM.)
8. Open DOWNLOAD folder.
9. Open the DATA folder labeled with the highest num-
ber. The highest number indicates the most recent
data download.
10. Open log file. Log files open in Microsoft
Excel by
default as long as the program is installed. However,
they can also be opened in any text editor or Micro-
All USB logs are saved in Unicode (UTF-16) for-
mat. If opening the log file in Microsoft Word, select
Unicode encoding.